Nith Trust Angling Taster day, 24th July, 2018.
Nith Trust Angling Taster day, 24th July, 2018.
It has by any stretch of the imagination been an unpredictable and a very strange first half to the season. From an extremely cold spring, where the grass did not even start to grow until the end of April, then straight into a dry and hot summer with everything bolting. The hatches were very good […]
Thirteen members of the Nith Young Anglers Club along with parents turned up for the fly fishing day on the river Nith and Blackwood loch. The group were split with four on the river and the rest to fish the loch. The newly refurbished Blackwood loch, a fine example of what can be achieved with […]
Pupils from St. Joseph’s College Rural Skills class joined The Nith Catchment Fishery Trust and Borderlines for their last day of term for a full day of fisheries related activities. The morning started off surveying the Pennyland Burn using electro fishing and… …kick sampling for aquatic invertebrates. After determining that the burn was healthy and […]
We got lucky with the weather on the weekend for the open day held on the Woodhall beat, river Derwent on Saturday, (a very big thank you to Neil Barcock for organising this again). A very good turn out with many friends, members and like-minded people in attendance. Chairman Clive Mitchelhill got the day started […]